Diapers & Dandylions

       Welcome to my first ever blog post! I've been dreaming about this for a long time and I will admit- I'm a tiny but terrified right now. I'm completely new to the Blogger platform and will hopefully learn and grow and I invite you to join me in that.

       To introduce myself: My name is Shayna Eastman. I'm 23 years old, married to my high school sweetheart with two incredible children- Zoey and Sonny. I work full time, mom full time and my goal is to (somewhere in the midst of all this chaos), transform my life into one of less chaos, less clutter and more Jesus.

       If you're still reading I assume you're at least some sort of excited to be coming on this journey with me... Or you're one of my work friends who I forced to read and share my post. Either way I would love some insight into how I can improve my blog, topics you're interested in hearing my thoughts on, healthy living recipes and tips and your favorite healthcare and baby/ children's products.

       Thank you so much for reading! Stay tuned for more posts and please- Share on, Dandy-Moms!


  1. Good morning! I'm Betty's sister, John's Aunt Linda, and got your link through Ally's post. May you have much success with your new blog.

  2. How sweet! Thank you so much! ❤️

  3. You are such an inspiration for jumping into this!
    Your oldest went to Ashley’s with my children. Wyatt and Whitley.
    We chatted at a birthday party this past year! I love blogs. I’m always interested in how others stay motivated and can keep everything working! I’m also interested in learning more about Jesus!!
    Jaclyn Watson

    1. Thank you so much! It is nerve wracking but I'm so excited! Jaclyn thank you so much for commenting!


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