7 Things to do When You're Overwhelmed with Your Baby

If you had a colicky baby or just a generally fussy baby you know what it's like to feel overwhelmed. I don't know about you but for me taking care of this baby who is never content has literally been the hardest thing I've ever dealt with. I tried everything to "fix" my baby- we tried gripe water, medicine for colic, new formula, several swings, sleeping positions, you name it, we tried it. I was so overwhelmed and exhausted that I began to resent this tiny human.

Now that's probably a horrible thing to admit publicly but honestly I had no idea what to do with this miniature screaming machine. I posted on Facebook several times asking for advice and cried to my friends and Co workers countless times. I imagined me calling my mom and her taking to a friend saying, "hold on I need to take this my daughter is having another breakdown". My husband and I just assumed our second baby would mirror our first (who slept through the night from the day we brought her home). We were not prepared for this baby who still (at 8 months old) doesn't sleep more than 5 hours and screams the minute someone isn't entertaining him. When your blood starts to boil and you go from being agitated to full on overwhelmed here are 7 things you can do to cool off and calm down:

1. Take a shower/bath: This is my personal favorite (maybe because the sound of the shower drowns out my sobbing). My sister blessed me the first week I brought Sonny home- the UPS man knocked on my door with a package from Bath and Bodyworks of their stress relief lotion and body wash and I swear that stuff got me through some baaadddd nights.

2. Send the baby to Grandma's: This it's probably advice some new mom's can't even fathom. When Sonny was five months old my husband and I had the opportunity to spend a weekend in Pigeon Forge, TN. This came right on time after a particularly rough week or two. I really needed this weekend to spend time resting and focusing on my husband for a minute. Did I miss my baby? Yes, of course. Did I need a break? More than I cared to admit.

3. Step outside for some fresh air: Now this doesn't mean go off and leave your baby unattended or endangered. I'm saying put your baby safely in their pack and play and open the front door and just breathe deeply. The fresh air will help you clear your mind and give you the push you need to make it to bedtime.

4. Cry it out: I highly recommend this one as it is something I am pretty darn good at. One night my husband walked into our bedroom to me laying facedown on my bed just weeping with the baby screaming right by me. When he asked me why I was crying I told him, "I just needed to". Let it out. You will feel SO much better.

5. Ask your spouse for help: For me personally, it's hard to let my husband do something I feel I am more capable of doing than him. My husband isn't always just waiting at the door with dinner ready and a spotless house and his arms open to take the baby from me to give him a bath while I relax and listen to jazz music. But if you need help and you're at a point where you feel  like you don't know how much more you can take remember: You didn't make this baby alone. 

6.  Do. One. Thing: Think of one thing you need to do that you can easily accomplish- whether that's picking up the living room or loading the dishwasher pick one thing to do and make yourself do it. I might just seem like one insignificant chore but when your baby is crying and your house is a mess (which mine always is) getting one thing done can change your attitude and change your day.

7. Breathe. Pray. Repeat as needed: When you're feeling overwhelmed from anything (screaming baby, messy house, work) the absolute best thing you can do is take a deep breath in, count to ten, release, and seek God's peace over your life... Then you can read a devotion or some scripture, turn on some worship music, or if you need to: Repeat steps one and two.

The worst thing you can do is ignore the way you feel or take it your frustration on the people you love. It's important to remember that sometimes feeling constantly overwhelmed and anxious, "regret", and thoughts of having yourself or your baby could be signs of PPD. It's important to share how feel with your doctor to make sure you're getting the help you need. ❤️


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